Thursday, July 16, 2009

Literature Review Intent

This may change by tomorrow...

I welcome your questions/comments regarding the proposed statements I'm considering for my literature review.

  1. The intent of this paper is to review the literature discussing the necessary supports which strengthen the integration of technology in K-12 schools.
  2. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the factors which contribute towards the cultivation of technology-rich learning environments.
  3. This paper will review the literature on the factors which contribute to effective integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in K-12 schools.
  4. The purpose of this paper is to explore how schools and districts can become learning organizations for technology-embedded instructional improvements.

In the literature review I will attempt to identify a gap in the area of educational technology support for principals. Potential research questions: How can a school district strengthen support for principals in effectively leading 21st century schools? How can a school district develop leadership networks and professional communities as contexts for supporting technology rich learning environments?


Gerona said...

Perhaps consider using the term "environment" or "necessary conditions" rather than support.


Unknown said...


Refer to Donald Ely's (1999)paper. He looks at the characteristics of successful implementation of technology. Not the things that are lacking in successful implementation which a lot of research seems to focus on.


Caramat Teacher said...

I was wondering about using resources instead of the term supports.

Also, when looking at leadership, has there been a consideration at looking at age of the leaders to see if there is a relationship between "support" and age of the leader.

Peter Holowka said...

What perspective/level are the supports coming from? Superintendent level, parents?

This may be a clarification that can help you scale the size of your research.

GirlProf said...

Becker (2004) identifies 4 essential conditions; Jacobsen (2006) identifies 10 essential conditions for tech integration; check out Wells, J.G. (2007). Key design factors in durable instructional technology professional development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 15(1), pp. 101-122.